Whitley's Wishes is a registered 501c3. Our goals are based on causes that were close to Whitley's heart.
Whitley's Wishes
1. That no one ever get cancer! To date we have donated $85,000 to the Cure Starts now, and are proud to be a Leadership Partner of the DIPG Collaborative! It is our hope that through our fundraising efforts we will be able to provide support for research and ultimately help find a cure for this horrible disease and that through a cure for DIPG, advancements in other cancer treatments will be made possible as well. https://dipgcollaborative.org
2. Throw like a girl! We have donated more than $10,000 to the city of Edwardsville for park improvements at Sam Vadalabene Softball fields and new catching equipment for the city softball league!
3. Dance your booty off! Each year we award a $500 scholarship to a deserving student at Rena's Dance Unlimited, where Whitley danced since she was 3 years old!
4. Take care of those less fortunate than you!
-We have donated $10,000 in scholarships to Edwardsville High School Graduates
-At Christmastime we donate to help make the holiday special for those in need
-We are proud to support the Madison County Humane Society's Woofstock event to raise money to care for homeless and abandoned animals
-We hold an annual toy drive for children at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital.
If you would like to help make Whitley's Wishes come true, please donate today!

Our Team

Christy Jennings

Angie Berlemann
Jim Tillerson
I am a mother of 4 including Whitley and step mom to 2. I am also founder of Whitley's Wishes. My hope is that through our efforts we are able to find a cure for DIPG and that other children won't have to suffer this horrible disease.
I am a mom of 2 from Edwardsville, Illinois.
Being a part of Whitley's Wishes is a great honor. Whitley had a special place in my heart. I am here for the fight against DIPG...1 was too many!
I am a father of four and met Whitely within a few days of her birth. I was so distressed when I learned that so little research or progress had been made from the time Neil Armstrong’s daughter passed away in 1962 until Whitley’s diagnosis in 2014 that I felt something has to be done. I am determined to do all we can to make a difference.